
What is the current Ethereum Classic price?

Our real-time ETC to USD price update shows the current Ethereum Classic price as $19.1 USD. According to our Ethereum Classic price prediction, ETC price is expected to have a 1.05% decrease and drop as low as by May 04, 2023.

What is the circulation supply of Ethereum Classic (etc)?

The circulation supply of Ethereum Classic is $2,939,028,528.17, with a market cap of 140,131,597 ETC. In the past 24 hours, the crypto has increased by $1.14 in its current value. For the last 7 days, ETC has been in a good upward trend, thus increasing by 2.65%.

Who are Ethereum Classic's creators?

Ethereum Classic is in fact the legacy chain of Ethereum, and its true creators are therefore the original Ethereum developers — Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood. A contentious hard fork on Ethereum occurred in July 2016, when participants disagreed over whether to revert the blockchain to cancel out the effects of a major hack.

Is Ethereum Classic a proof-of-work system?

This was especially notable when the Ethereum blockchain completed its upgrade to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism in September 2022. Ethereum Classic remained a proof-of-work system. In the eyes of the Ethereum Classic community, the blockchain and code will always be immutable. It preserves the pre-merge, proof-of-work system.

